Cristófol Universe

The Universe Cristòfol is a travelling educational project unrelated to the Museum’s exhibitions that aims to raise awareness of the life and work of Leandre Cristòfol while encouraging the public to undertake transversal projects that encompass different subjects. It addresses several areas of knowledge.

The project ensures a meaningful learning experience by promoting the generation of stimuli and emotions through experiences.

Target audience: This educational project is not conceived for students of any particular age or educational level. We think it is flexible enough for educators to make it their own and adapt it to the needs and characteristics of their group.

  • Pre-school and primary school (from L3 to Year 6).
  • Secondary school (ESO and ‘Batxillerat’ level).
  • Vocational training schools.
  • Adult schools.
  • Centres and associations for students with special educational needs.

How it works: The teachers involved in the project will need to learn the materials and their educational possibilities beforehand. The museum will hold a presentation on the project exclusively for those participating in it, which will include some ideas on how the materials can be used. However, teachers must use their initiative and creative capacity to link the materials provided with those they are working on in their schools. Once the teachers have done this, the material can be presented to the students.

Contact and reservations: For more information or to participate in the Universe Cristòfol, please fill out the following form. We will then get in contact with you in due course.

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