The Morera Museum presents the main lines of action of the new museum project


The Morera Museum presents the main lines of action of the new museum project

This morning, the Alfred Perenya Room of the Department of Culture hosted the presentation of the Morera’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Lleida, a document that establishes the fundamental objectives of the new Museum. The mayor of Lleida, Miquel Pueyo, and the director of the Museum, Jesús Navarro, were responsible for the presentation, in which they set out the main lines of action of the new Morera Museum.

The presentation was also attended by the councilor for Culture, City and Ecological Transition and at the same time member of the Provincial Council of Lleida, Jaume Rutllant; the delegate of the Territorial Services of Culture in Lleida, Albert Turull; the head of the Museums and Protection of Movable Assets Service of the Generalitat, Magda Gassó; a large representation of councilors from the Municipal Corporation; the director of the Morera Museum, Jesús Navarro, and different people who represented the cultural fabric of Lleida.

The Morera Strategic Plan 2022-2025. Modern and Contemporary Art Museum of Lleida is a document that establishes the main objectives of the new Museum. The director of the equipment, Jesús Navarro, has described the Morera road map and the main axes with which he will work in the coming years.

The Morera Strategic Plan conceptually redefines the Museum with relevant collections of modern and contemporary art, and wants to position it in the local and national context. In addition, the opening of the new headquarters will be accompanied by some social and educational axes of action, which will become two important poles of the Museum’s action, and some communicative and digital strategies that will make it a cultural equipment of its own 21st century

The Museum broadens its narrative to cover the entire 20th century and the first decades of the 21st, betting on modern and contemporary art. In this way, he places his speeches in a time and space that is increasingly close to the present day, which should allow him to address the challenges and debates of our society.

Navarro explained: “We are facing a historic opportunity to repair one of the traditional grievances in the field of culture of the city of Lleida and the country, and we can do it with a clear, modern and exciting project, which we hope you will enjoy your complicity.”

Rutllant has pointed out that work is being done so that the new Morera opens its doors in the summer of 2023 – if the civil work being done to enable the old Audiència de Lleida is finished in the first months of 2023, as is foresees—, and that then all the integration of museography will be carried out.

Gassó was very satisfied that the Morera will be a reality: “Although it has been a reality for many years, at the same time it has not yet become reality. From now on, it will be.”

Turull, for his part, has transferred his commitment to strengthen the network of museums, especially that of Morera, with national and international projection.

To finish, the head priest highlighted that, after more than 100 years of history, El Morera has reached one of its main milestones, to be located in its own and definitive space, in the Rambla de Ferran, and at the same time it transforms conceptually, since it assumes as its mission to promote knowledge about modern and contemporary art, as well as to generate new ones, with a special focus on art linked to the Western Lands.