In April 2019, the building of the old Audiencia of the city of Lleida began a remodeling process to accommodate the new modern and contemporary art museum of Lleida. The works are progressing according to the planned deadlines and every day the new museum space that the city will have is more tangible. A new museum dedicated to the art of the 20th and 21st centuries, where you can learn about Lleida’s artistic creations of the last centuries, and which will also serve as a speaker for manifestations from other contexts that help to approach the artistic story of our contemporaneity. This project must become one of the key elements of our city’s culture in the coming years, and that is why the entire Museum team is focused on preparing it. We are providing ourselves with the necessary planning tools – based on our own work and external work – to develop the new stories of the collection, design its services and establish their operation, and implement participation formulas and new forms of governance #Morera 2023 is the last stop of a long journey. The destination that will allow us to definitively enjoy a headquarters for the new Morera. A horizon that stimulates the process of creating a new project, ambitious and exciting, but which does not stop the activity, open to the public, of the Casino building that still houses the Museum, as has already been shown in the presentation of the exhibition
crossings Deposits of the National Collection of Photography and Contemporary Art. Durant els pròxims mesos, l’equip del Museu se situarà entre el present, amb l’activitat al Casino, i el futur, amb la mirada posada en el nou Morera. Un viatge que arriba a la darrera etapa i en què us anirem desgranant tot allò que vol ser i serà el
Mulberry Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Lleida. Ens hi acompanyes?