And you, what do you expect from MORERA?

15 DE JUNE DE 2023

The Morera Museum presents the main lines of action of the new museum project

The teacher of the Marist College-Montserrat in Lleida, Pere Pifarré; the bookseller of La Sabateria, Estefania Reñé; and the Dancescape school dancer, Sandra Valls, have stood in front of the camera to tell us what they expect from MORERA. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Lleida.

Three voices driving the museum’s new communication campaign presented through social networks and on the streets of the capital of Segrià. At the beginning of summer, we want to make the museum a space for participation by opening the doors, metaphorically, to find out what the people of Lleida expect from the new MORERA.

From the Museum, we want to listen, read and learn from all the ideas that the people around us have to set up a museum for everyone. From artistic proposals and activities to possible collaborations; whatever your idea is, we want to hear it! Being a social museum is one of the main values of the museum project and it is for this reason that now is the time to put the citizens at the center and find out what they expect from the new museum project that will soon open its doors.

Say yours!